
Everyone deserves to love themselves.

Deeply, softly, wholly.

Sheets with Music Notes, Close-up View
Self care, cosmetological procedure, perfect weekend and relax at home
Glass Ball Mirroring the Stone Formations


I want people to love themselves.

And not just in the ways we see people talk about it on TV, or in books. I want people to love themselves deeply. I want people to see themselves through the lens of radical self-realization and acceptance. I want you to heal. I want you to FEEL. I want you to love more than you’ve ever thought possible.

With Music, I help you find your center, work with your inner child, find your passions and joy, and LIVE freely, unabashedly, and full of the light and love you want to feel and see.


  • Music
    • Music speaks to us on a subconscious level and literally rewires our brains. When we listen to music, brain scans show the same parts of our brains light up as when we are experiencing joy. Animals get pleasure through food, and sex, and we do too. But we also get pleasure through aesthetic and art, such as music.

In my coaching, I teach how music affects your body, your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, and your connection to Spirit, or your Higher Power.

Music has the power to shift your thinking and help rewrite stories and codes that have been imprinted since early childhood, and even as far back as while you were in the womb.

Concert crowd
  • Love
    • Love is another abstract concept that actually affects the brain and how we see ourselves, our loved ones, and the world. When we experience love, our brain releases hormones and chemicals that make us happy, and feel content and at peace. Not just being in love, but parental love, self-love, friendship, etc.

Some people wonder, if I love myself, wouldn’t that make me more selfish, more arrogant, and more of an altogether horrible person to be around? But the opposite is actually true. When you learn how to radically love yourself unconditionally, you are MORE loving of others, more accepting, you pay attention to how your actions and beliefs affect others, and you are more likely to be well loved and liked because you genuinely care.

Think of it like this:

If I have a full cup, I can share the excess with others. But when my cup is empty, the only thing I can do is desperately try to fill that cup, often at the expense of others. The way our bodies and minds crave love is very similar to food or water. We need it to survive.

The study of human survival has found that community actually prevents things like suicide, isolation, and some chronic disorders and diseases. Love literally keeps us alive. So, when we love ourselves, we are able to share that with our community, and create safe spaces, and love our friends, family, and even strangers on a whole new level.

When I was at my lowest, I craved genuine love, but there was only so much others could give me before my supply was gone and I was begging for more. I had to learn to be the supplier for my OWN water.

the Concept of Charity
  • Emotional Wellness tools
    • Emotional wellness is a bit of an appendage to love, but is slightly different. The tools I use help you identify your subconscious beliefs or stories, root them out, and replace them with a better belief or story.

Sometimes, we don’t know why we’re feeling frustration, anger, sadness, or even fear. The Emotional Wellness tools are there to help you find YOU buried underneath all the stories someone else put on your shoulders.

Emotional Wellness also includes learning emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is using the tools you’ve learned to stop, assess your emotional state, and understand it might not be the person standing in front of you that is making you frustrated, angry, sad, or scared.

(NOTE: If someone IS threatening you, or your safety, please seek help and call 911. You deserve to feel safe, darling)

Multiple exposure portrait of a woman. The sun behind the clouds. Emotional intelligence concept.
Computer artwork of a frontal view of a human brain. In the background a neural network of nerve cells firing.
  • Neurodivergent Brain Wellness
    • The Neurodivergent brain is not well studied, though thankfully it is getting better and better. Mental Wellness for the neurospicy is different than for a neurotypical. We require different methods, different focuses, and a deeper understanding of what our brains are actually doing. And, to top it all, not a single neurospicy brain is the same as another.


We have a variety of services to help you in your emotional and mental wellness journey. These are but a few options that we offer. For a more comprehensive list, contact Katie through her email below.

Still life with Lenormand oracle cards, cup and roses.
Smiling woman and wellness coach

Tarot & Oracle Readings

Aura & Chakra Readings

1-1 Coaching

Tarot & Oracle cards are used for general direction and wisdom from your Higher Power, Guardian Angels & Spirit Guides.

Your Aura is an outward expression of an inner reality. Aura & Chakra readings help align and root out those things ready to be overcome.

1-1 Coaching is for those individuals who want to make guided, intense, fast progress towards self-love and radical self-acceptance.

Book an Appointment

Contact Katie below

Phone Number

(801) 243-4955

Email Address

Conceptual Photo for Love and Relationship. Love Yourself. Singl